Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yemeni girl's speech against child marriage goes viral

Yemeni girl's speech against child marriage goes viral

Eleven year-old says she escaped forced marriage by fleeing her parents.

A video of an 11-year-old Yemeni girl's account of escaping her arranged marriage has gone viral. In the 3-minute clip, Nada al-Ahdal says she would rather die than get married at her age and calls the potential marriage "criminal."

According to a report in NOW Lebanon, Nada fled to her uncle when her parents agreed to marry her to a Yemeni expatriate living in Saudi Arabia.

A version of the video with English captions received more than 5.6 million views in two days

Pls watch this video and  play this to Yerima and his cohorts!

Senators who voted “against” prohibition of underage marriage in Nigeria

■ Here are your senators who voted “against” prohibition of underage marriage in Nigeria

God Help Us in Nigeria
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