You do not have to be a financial expert to know that you are spending more than you should.
For individuals to attain financial freedom, one of the most common pieces of advice given by experts is, “live within your means.” To achieve this, they are told to spend less than they earn and save more, to stick to budgets, and to know the difference between their needs and wants.
As straightforward as that may sound, many people do not make the needed adjustment, erroneously believing they are living within their means. After all, everything they have spent their money on can be categorised as needs. In essence, their expenses can be “justified”.
For individuals to attain financial freedom, one of the most common pieces of advice given by experts is, “live within your means.” To achieve this, they are told to spend less than they earn and save more, to stick to budgets, and to know the difference between their needs and wants.
As straightforward as that may sound, many people do not make the needed adjustment, erroneously believing they are living within their means. After all, everything they have spent their money on can be categorised as needs. In essence, their expenses can be “justified”.