Monday, April 22, 2013

Personal development tips you should consider

                                                 Personal development tips you should consider

Human resource managers say it is important for individuals to continuously work towards self-improvement. ways that can be achieved

No matter how good or effective you are at work or in life generally, experts say it is important that you strive to improve yourself.

According to them, this will make you more productive and successful – that is if you are already productive. If you are not, then self-improvement will increase your
chances of turning the table around. This is because it would help you correct the flaws or weaknesses that have hindered your growth and equip you for success.

Some of the tips suggested by experts are highlighted below.

Be disciplined

According to experts, without discipline, it is difficult for you to succeed at work, home and in terms of personal finance management. They stress that for you to successfully execute any plan or complete a task, discipline is required.

By disciplining yourself, you will be able to overcome such bad habits as procrastination and the tendency to blame others for failure or problems.

Experts warn that people, who never accept blame or reality, are unlikely to take needed steps to correct their flaws or develop themselves.

They say one of the first things people who want to develop themselves should do is to become disciplined.

Set goals

To achieve personal development, experts say it is important to have a target in life. Some say once those set goals are achieved, it is okay to set new goals. This, according to them, is because without set goals or targets, you are likely to relax and become comfortable with the way things are; and life may just pass you by.

They explain that in certain goals, you have to look at your present circumstance and decide the changes you want to make.

Are you always late for work? Do you always fail to complete tasks? These are examples of things you may consider in setting goals. Of course, things you want to change can be more serious, depending on your circumstance or challenges.

In certain goals, it is important that you think about the plan you have for your life – career, family, etc. – and ensure that the set goals are in tune with them. That way, you won’t spend time working on goals that will not add anything to you or your plan in the long run.

Learn to think positively

In his book, ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’, Norman Vincent Pearle stresses that positive thinking is an attitude that anticipates happiness, health and successful results.

Indeed, experts agree that positive thinking is important for people who are interested in self-development. They explain that bringing out the best in people helps to avoid negative talk and traits such as the tendency to blame others for everything that goes wrong.

According to experts, there is also the need to control your thinking. They say by controlling what you think, you stand a better chance of controlling your life.

This will require you to organise your thoughts. And one thing that may be handy in this regard is meditation, which they say can clear your mind and remove negative thoughts.

Start right away

Having thought about what you want to achieve or change and set goals to achieve that, experts say it is important that you get a good start.

They stress that once you have your plan, you should start implementing it right away as procrastination may see your circumstance worsened. So, the advice is that you should not leave what you can do today for tomorrow.

It will also be helpful that you get up early every day, as this will leave you with more time to complete tasks, than when you wake up late every morning.

Break tasks down

As you strive to achieve your personal development targets and as you go about your activities every day, there are many tasks that you will be required to complete. Many people get overwhelmed by the amount of tasks they have to complete on a daily basis. Experts say this is sometimes because they fail to break these tasks down into smaller tasks and in such a way that they could easily handle them. To avoid that, organise the tasks you are given and come up with a schedule for all you have to do.

Increase your knowledge

They say knowledge is power. Experts say increasing your knowledge is key if you want to achieve personal development.

Apart from getting additional training in various areas where you have noticed that you are weak, they stress that it is important for you to read relevant literature. They say by reading about the mistakes of others, you can speed up your personal development process.

Instead of learning the hard way – through experience, you are advised to learn from others. And while finding a mentor is great, you can learn about the mistakes of others by reading widely.

Embrace change

Experts say it is okay to be conservative at times, but in a world that is changing at a rapid pace, people that welcome change are better off than those who are resistant to it. While they admit that change is difficult to accept, they warn that there is no escaping it, hence the earlier you learn to embrace it the better. Imagine the difficulties an individual who was refused to use mobile phones in today’s world will face. While that may be hard to imagine for you, if you examine some of the changes, which you have refused to embrace, you may find that they have a similar effect.

Get organised

How organised are you? Do you plan your day and activities ahead or do you do things at the last moment? By getting organised or more organised, you are likely to find it easier to complete your tasks and thereby become more productive. This is because you will be able to focus on important tasks. And because you have planned in advance, you will find it easier to accomplish more, having thought of likely obstacles and ways to tackle them before they pop up.


Once you have decided to develop yourself and started taking steps towards that, it is important that you evaluate the progress you have made from time to time. Experts say once you start wanting to create value regularly, then it means you are improving yourself.

Other things that will be helpful to you in your quest to develop yourself include regular exercise, dealing with the right kind of people or having good friends, and keeping bad habits in check, among others.

It is important to note that personal development basically involves everything that can transform your life in a positive way. This means there are many other tips that will be helpful.

While it is impossible for all of them to be listed here by being willing to embrace change, reading a lot, being willing to embrace change and ensuring that you are disciplined, you stand a very good chance of achieving your personal development goals

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