Friday, October 18, 2013

What to do when travelling with children

Children may experience stress while flying due to various reasons. Experts, however, say planning ahead and performing some simple acts during the flight make air travel less hectic,

Whether you fly for a vacation or business, anticipation regarding the destination, uncomfortable conditions during the flight and anxiety about flying can add to your stress. In a world with ever-increasing security concerns, even navigating through the airport can be a chore. But airplane travel does not have to be difficult when you make adequate preparations.

Travelling by air as an individual can be stressful. However, flying with little children can be very daunting. Not only do you have to worry about how they feel and behave, but also how others around you react to the disturbances or actions of your children. This has to be especially true for toddlers – with all their new-found skills for running and talking and moving about – a confined space, teeming with unfamiliar faces and surroundings do not sound ideal. So, travelling with a toddler definitely presents its challenges, but planning ahead may give you at least a chance at a smooth flight. According to experts, there is more to flying with toddlers than keeping them entertained and hoping for good behaviour on the plane.

This is because there are long lines at busy airports, security checkpoint(s), boarding the plane, sitting in a confined space that shakes and makes noise, sometimes put incredible pressure on the little ones’ ears, and travel etiquette issues like not kicking the seats in front, and most times, all these issues are not addressed in the usual checklists. Experts note that although airport and airline personnel try to be helpful, it is up to the families to prepare their children for the problems that can arise with air travel such as lengthy delays and long line-ups. Parents should know how to coordinate their movements to avoid embarrassment at the airport and must ensure their children are well-behaved when they arrive at the airport. It is also important to understand that flying with children can be one of those ‘make or break’ moments in the lives of parents, when your mettle is tested and you find out what you are made of. Fortunately, some strategic planning can help to make flying with children a fun and relaxed experience for you and your family.

Experts advise that before you travel with your children, you should spend time researching your vacation and scouting the Internet for ideas. If during this time your child hasn’t any idea of what’s ahead except the destination, it should be no surprise that he or she can become overwhelmed by the journey. Most children have meltdowns on planes for one of two reasons, if not a combination of both. This is because they are confused and scared as a result of being unfamiliar with airport/airplane environments, or they are ill-equipped for air travel by not being allowed to move around before being expected to sit for hours in a confined space. Airport personnel say if possible you should take your child to the airport on a day you’re not flying and show him or her what people are doing such as standing in lines, going through security, etc. Some of the air travel tips to note include getting to the airport early, using a tag or ID bracelet on your child, bringing enough snacks to the airport, travelling with on-flight entertainment and asking for empty seats on the plane. Below are additional tips to help you coordinate your journey when travelling with children, according to experts:

Go for aisle seats

In order to be more comfortable, endeavour to book aisle seats when making reservations. Experts say when making reservations, book seats together so that your whole family is sitting together. Children like to look out of the window, so book a window seat. More importantly, get a seat in the aisle so that your child’s frequent bathroom breaks do not disturb fellow passengers. This, according to professionals, will help to make your flying experience manageable.

Let your kids be within reach

Never let each other out of your sight so as to avoid missing them, especially when you are using the services of busy airports. The best way to be safe in crowded public places such as the airport is to never let your child out of your sight. And be sure to emphasise to your child that he should never wander away without mom or dad. That goes for using public bathrooms at airports, too. If you’re travelling alone with a child of the opposite gender, use a family restroom. Make sure your child takes permission before he leaves you and ensure you escort him, if the area is very busy.

Prepare for an emergency

You can also get your child ready for any form of emergency while flying. Experts say you should make sure your child knows his or her full name, address and home telephone number in case you get separated. According to them, you should tell your child to ask another mommy with a child for help in the event that you become separated. These emergency tips are vital, especially when you are travelling to a different country or embarking on a long journey.

Plan for take-off and landing

Experts say if your ear pressure hurts during take-off and landing, imagine what your toddler must feel. They, however, say sucking sensation will help with the ear pressure and help your child to relax. If not, consider preparing a cup or bottle specifically for take-off and landing. A pacifier is also helpful, since it reinforces the sucking motion.

Take advantage of friendly individuals

You can take advantage of friendly flight attendants and neighbouring passengers. From the enthusiastic 10-year-old girl in front of you or the flight attendant that seems to just ‘love babies,’ take advantage of anyone that is willing to help. Allow them to interact with your child and even encourage it. Most toddlers love the attention. However, if your child becomes shy and upset when people they don’t know approach them, don’t be afraid to tell the strangers to back off a bit.


This may not be easy, but you have to try and relax. Travelling is stressful enough and adding a toddler to the mix isn’t going to make it any easier on you. But children can pick up stress from their parents, so do your best to just relax and enjoy the flight. As you apply these tips, you may find travelling with children enjoyable.

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